Intensive sailing experience

It was sailing adventure !!

The first day after my arrival at 7am and all formalities we live La Reunion at 1400 and everything was perfect. equipageOn the second day the wind died so we set up spinnaker (asymmetric, very beautiful) 180m square meter. It fired up but after 2 hours we had to pull it out of the water because we lost at the very top of the mast. Takit out from the water was hard work. We managed somehow after 20 minutes fighting,when we checked if everything else is ok unfortunately spinnaker from the deck again slid and fell into the water. The next 20 minutes fighting. I have learned how to save the spinnaker out of the water 🙂 That evening, my watch was almost no wind and the rain so full pf fun with sails (well I was wet too). As soon as Jack entered on his 6h watch the wind immediately returned and to Madagaskar our speed was not lower than 7 knots. en merBeautiful sailing. We reached the northern top of the island after 4days of sailing.We avoid the big waves area on the south ow Madagaskar but still we hew big waves (4 waves, one after the other with a height of roughly 5m is impressive) just behind the stern Enjoy … beautiful and terrible at the same time. Now begins the best part of this story. In the Mozambique Channel on the way to Nosi Be on my watch in the night at 0000 at approximately 9 knots we HIT one of the rudder into something floating beneath the surface … in that area the water depth is almost 1500m. Jack who ran out on deck on hearing strange sounds and movement said that we will not burden the helm because he already had them slightly strained. We dropped the mainsail and start up the motor. When I walked under deck to check the course, 30 minutes after the impact I saw water on the floor … We had leak in the helm and started take water. In the aft bulkhead generation we already had water till my knee… luckily the engine is not stopped and we could use electric pumps. Jack toked care of pump the water out an I takeed care of jurry riging the leak. I used sponges and pillows to slightly diminished getting water into the vessel. We were able to after 14h motoring and pomping the water every 5-10 min from the bilges reach the port in Hell Ville.safran casseTo avoid the leak we lean the boat on one side and that solwed our leak problem.chantier2We decide to try fix everything in local shipyard. Every day after 30 min on scuter ride on wild roads we worked with resins with local boat builders.We rebuild the rudder with very god shape using very basic tools ;). It takes us 5 days to finish the work. boutreIn the main time I have nice trekking and piroga ride with local guide.I saw wild lemurs and pet cameleonChameleon and many other weird lizards and insect. We also make some tour around the island on ouer rented scooter. Nosibe island is the bigest zebutourist center of Madagascar but be side luxury Resorts owned by Italians made specially for Europeans the local peoples live basic cabane bambouslowly live. But all of them happy open and friendly. capitaine commerceWe have also small trip to Nosy Komba (next island)on motor with one rudder. Again we go for some trekking in forest on the hills. We spotted many lost in the bush small villages living from agriculture, mainly from cultivated cacao, ananas,banana,mango and fishing cola. On the island is one bigger village with street special for tourist full of local handy crafts. debarquementrequin baleine

9 réflexions sur « Intensive sailing experience »

  1. Super pour le vocabulaire nautique ; heureusement que j’avais word ref dictionnary sous la main. Et belle image du requin baleine
    Bon vent

  2. Ola JO,
    Tu as du te résigner à résiner.Tout est bien qui fini bien; Merci de ces instants à Madagascar qui me rappellent les année 70. Abraços

  3. coucou cher Jacques
    dis donc tu bouffes du mile à fond !!!!!!
    et impressionnant ta façon de gérer les galères bravo !
    sinon je suis jalouse pour le requin baleine whaouh quel moment cela a du être !!!
    Ns sommes toujours à Nelson en plein  » refit  » d’Australe  » et il fait un temps magnifique ouf mais l’eau est toujours …. verte sniff !
    plein de grosses bises de ns deux
    Joséphine et Marc

  4. Heureusement que tu n’étais pas tout seul et pas trop loin de Madagascar pour réparer et bravo pour ton sang froid…

  5. Salut!!!et ben dis donc quelle aventure!!!!tout est bien qui finit bien! Tu ne crains plus rien maintenant!!!good hope cap finger in the nose!!!enjoy!!!

  6. oups !!! de l’eau au genou??!!!!! oups….! mais bravo pour la gestion d u problème!!! vous avez heurté quoi en fait ? biz et bravo !! ma fille est née à mayotte et on est allée à nosi be et nossi komba tu m’as ramené éé ans en arrière …merci!!

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